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PreK Program: 

4 years by October 


Developing the skills to care for one’s body, belongings, and environment

  • Develop awareness of healthy food choices

  • Dress independently

  • Clean up after one's self 

  • Pack/unpack lunch and backpack independently

  • Demonstrate personal hygiene practices




Managing emotions in a way that enhances personal growth and social relations

  • Demonstrate a desire to complete tasks independently

  • Work cooperatively with others toward a shared goal

  • Follow the classroom routine and transition easily from one activity to the next

  • Describe one's feelings and empathize with others' feelings

  • Respect one's self, others, and the environment




Listening and responding to words, conversations and stories

  • Demonstrate understanding of the basic functions of print

  • Demonstrate understanding of beginning phonics and word skills

  • Sustain conversations and contributes relevant comments to group discussions

  • Show interest in print in the environment and in texts

  • Print symbols and letters to share information




Building a sense of numbers, shapes and space through manipulation and exploration

  • Understand numbers and their relationship to quantities

  • Demonstrate an initial understanding of simple numerical operations

  • Sort, order, pattern, and classify objects by measurable and non-measurable properties

  • Identifies shapes and describes their attributes

  • Count, name, and recognize numbers up to 10 




Expressing ideas of self through a variety of mediums

  • Plan and create 2 and 3 dimensional art works 

  • Demonstrate appropriate audience skills during performances

  • Develop an appreciation for different types of music, dance and visual arts

  • Describe feelings and reactions to music, dance and visual arts

  • Participate in and plan roles in dramatic play with others




Developing physical strength, control, and coordination of muscles to accomplish tasks

  • Use the same hand for holding writing utensils and performing tasks

  • Hold writing instruments with appropriate pincer grip

  • Refine hand-eye coordination

  • Draw recognizable figures and shapes with increasing detail

  • Moves naturally when walking, running, jumping, and climbing stairs




Connecting with our community and the environment

  • Observe, question, predict, and investigate science materials indoors and outdoors

  • Communicate and represent observations through conversations, drawings and writing

  • Understand, investigate and compare the needs of living and non-living things

  • Explore and describe the characteristics of the world around us

  • Identify unique characteristics of self, others, and family

  • Demonstrate an understanding of one's neighborhood and community 




Exposure to universal core values through Jewish holidays, stories and traditions

  • Stories, mitzvot and lessons appropriate to each of the Jewish holidays

  • Weekly Shabbat Celebrations, with homemade Challah bread

  • Makes blessings before eating, and to start the day

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