Kindergarten Program
Expressing ideas of self through a variety of mediums
Participate in art activities and projects
Express ideas using 2d and 3d materials
Display understanding of color weight, length, and texture.
Move body to rhythm.
Act out scenarios with peers or individually
Demonstrate creativity and individuality in expression.
Connecting with our community and the environment
Observe the natural world with curiosity and communicate observations.
Recognize patterns in the natural world
Participate in the scientific process to hypothesize, test, observe, re-test, and report findings.
Develop age appropriate understanding of living/non-living things, seasons, plants, birds, senses, motion, and states of matter.
Track and discuss the weather.
Discuss the interconnectedness of life on Earth in an age appropriate way.
Identify continents on maps and globes.
Explain how the present is connected to the past in an age appropriate manner.
Develop an age appropriate understanding of wants vs. needs, community goods/services, community workers, and family/community structures.
Managing emotions in a way that enhances personal growth and social relations
Exhibit skills of an active member of the class community such as responsibility and trustworthiness.
Respect peers, adults, and property.
Work independently and stays on task
Actively engage in investigation/activities
Listen attentively without interrupting
Take risks to attempt new tasks
Verbalize feelings/manage disappointment
Follow directions and instructions
Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups
Developing the skills to care for one’s body, belongings, and environment
Button, snap, zipper, and tie clothing with increasing independence
Organize self, material, and belongings
Listening and responding to words, conversations and stories, reading, thinking critically
Identify, compare, and discuss story elements within books.
Describe relationships between illustrations and text.
Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
Recognize and write all upper and lower case letters.
Demonstrate letter-sound recognition and apply grade level phonics when decoding words
Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings for the five vowels.
Read age-appropriate text with understanding.
Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative, narrative, and persuasive texts.
Participate in shared research and writing projects; recalls information from experiences or gather information to answer a question.
Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
Ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify.
Describe familiar people, places, things, and events; with prompting, provides additional detail.
Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Apply knowledge of basic rules of punctuation and capitalization as well as English grammar when writing and speaking.
Building a sense of numbers, shapes and space through manipulation and exploration
Learn number names and employs 1 on 1 counting, demonstrating sequence, to determine the value of a set.
Compare numbers and classify objects into sets.
Demonstrate understanding of addition as putting together and subtraction as taking apart.
Work with numbers 11-19; building foundation for place value.
Understand use of nonstandard and standard measurements.
Describe and compare measurable attributes.
Identify and describe shapes.
Analyze, compare, create, compose shapes.
Replicate, execute, create, and extend patterns.
Develop an understanding of data collection, recording, and analysis.
Exposure to universal core values through Jewish holidays, stories and traditions
Stories, rituals and lessons appropriate to each of the Jewish holidays
Bible stories and lessons
Alef-bet letter recognition, and letter formation
An assortment of Mitzvot explorations
The Land of Israel
Weekly Shabbat Celebrations, with homemade Challah bread
Makes blessings before eating, and to start the day
Developing physical strength, control, and coordination of muscles to accomplish tasks
Demonstrate age appropriate coordination and balance when running, jumping, hopping, kicking, and skipping.
Demonstrate appropriate hand-eye coordination when throwing and catching.
Develop grasp for tools required for writing and drawing.
Cut accurately with scissors.
Exhibit core strength required to sit at desk and complete written assignments.
Show strength and control in small muscles within hands required to complete kindergarten work.