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Kindergarten Program: 

5 years by October 


Developing the skills to care for one’s body, belongings, and environment

  • Button, snap, zipper, and tie clothing with increasing independence

  • Organize self, material, and belongings

  • Respect property




Managing emotions in a way that enhances personal growth and social relations

  • Work and interact well with others to build relationships and complete assignments

  • Verbalize feelings/manage disappointment

  • Exhibit skills of an active member of the class community such as responsibility and trustworthiness.

  • Follow directions and instructions

  • Work independently and stays on task

  • Actively engage in investigation/activities

  • Listen attentively without interrupting

  • Take risks to attempt new tasks

  • Demonstrates responsible social/inter- personal behavior

  • Respect peers, adults, and property

  • Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups




Listening and responding to words, conversations and stories

  • Decode using grade level phonics and word analysis skills when reading.

  • Apply developing understanding of phonetic rules when reading and writing.

  • Read grade level materials fluently and with understanding.

  • Discuss literature and responds to who, what, where, how, and plot sequence questions.

  • Compare and contrast adventures and characters within and between stories.

  • Identify reasons an author gives to support point in a text.

  • Print legibly.

  • Apply knowledge of basic rules of punctuation and capitalization as well as English grammar when writing.

  • Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative, narrative, and persuasive texts.

  • Participate in shared research and writing projects; recalling information from experiences and/or gathering information to answer a question.

  • Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.

  • Employ conventional English grammar when writing and speaking.

  • Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

  • Ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify.




Building a sense of numbers, shapes and space through manipulation and exploration

  • Compare attributes: length, area, weight/mass, capacity, temperature using vocabulary and appropriate instruments.

  • Tell time to hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour on analogue clock face and/or digitally

  • Extend the counting sequence to 120 in writing and verbally

  • Use number sentences to solve one and two digit problems using addition & subtraction.

  • Use place value, compares (>,<,=) and order numbers to 100

  • Employ and recognize reasonable estimation strategies

  • Identify, count and combine the value of coins

  • Develop an understanding of data collection, recording, and analysis

  • Organize, represent and compare data on graphs and charts

  • Compose, compare, and analyze two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional shapes.

  • Use attributes to identify, compare, and contrast multi-dimensional figures including the use of fractions.

  • Understand use of nonstandard and standard measurements.

  • Replicate, execute, create, and extend age appropriate patterns.




Expressing ideas of self through a variety of mediums

  • Participate in art activities and projects

  • Express ideas using 2d and 3d materials

  • Move body to rhythm.

  • Act out scenarios with peers or individually

  • Demonstrate creativity and individuality in expression.




Developing physical strength, control, and coordination of muscles to accomplish tasks

  • Demonstrate coordination and balance when running, jumping, hopping, kicking, and skipping.

  • Demonstrate appropriate hand-eye coordination when throwing and catching.

  • Exhibits core strength required to sit at desk and complete written assignments.

  • Show strength and control in small muscles within hands required to complete grade 1 work.




Connecting with our community and the environment

  • Observe the natural world with curiosity and communicates observations.

  • Recognize patterns in the natural world

  • Demonstrate fundamental understanding of living/non-living things, seasons, plants, birds, senses, motion, and states of matter.

  • Participate in the scientific process to hypothesize, test, observe, re-test, and report findings.

  • Demonstrate age appropriate understanding of the interconnectedness of life on Earth.

  • Determine locations of places and interpret information available on maps and globes.

  • Explain how the present is connected to the past in an age appropriate manner.

  • Demonstrate age appropriate understanding of wants vs. needs, community goods/services, community workers, and family/community structures.




Exposure to universal core values through Jewish holidays, stories and traditions

  • Stories, rituals and lessons appropriate to each of the Jewish holidays

  • Bible stories and lessons

  • Alef-bet letter recognition, and letter formation

  • An assortment of Mitzvot explorations

  • The Land of Israel

  • Weekly Shabbat Celebrations, with homemade Challah bread

  • Makes blessings before eating, and to start the day


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