Alexandria Frontz

Hello! My name is Morah Alexandria Frontz, but most people know me by Alex. I have had the pleasure of taking care of Zimmer’s children for the past year and a half as both a co-teacher in the Younger Toddler’s classroom and lead teacher of the Pre-K/ Kindergarten class. This year I will be taking on the role of Preschool Director and could not be more excited for this opportunity.
Within my time as a Morah, I’ve been able to blend teaching with my true passion in life, art. My love began when I started taking classes in my neighbor's art studio when I was 6 and has carried on to completing some time at Parsons School of Design, NYC. I feel as though I’m able to apply my artistic abilities to every job I’ve had from making custom lattes and tea beverages as a barista to running cohesive social media accounts as a receptionist at a beauty school.
Channeling my creative side here at Zimmer Preschool has been incredibly rewarding with the children. I began making art around the same ages as the children in our school and to be able to bring out that same joy through messily experimenting with different mediums inspires me to continue every day. Teaching through the lens of art has shown me incredible growth within the children not only artistically, but mathematically, conceptually, and bodily; from strengthening fine motor hand muscles by experimenting with a variety of tools to paint with to foreshadowing correctly what happens when mixing certain colors. I really believe I’m able to connect with these children by unlocking that true inner child happiness with one another.
I hope to carry this experience with me throughout my whole life no matter where I end up in the world!